Christian Newcomer (1749–1830) was an American farmer and preacher, who was elected on 5 May 1813 as the third Bishop of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.
Peculiarly, Newcomer was elected Bishop by the Church before he was even ordained to the ministry (though he did hold the status of a full minister). Philip William Otterbein and Martin Boehm, the founders of the U.B. Church, had not established a succession in the U.B. ministry by any rite of ordination. The Miami Annual Conference, therefore, in August 1813 addressed a letter to Otterbein asking him to ordain by the laying on of hands "one or more ministers who afterwards may perform the same for others." The letter reached Otterbein in late September 1813, with Newcomer visiting him soon thereafter. It was decided that Otterbein should ordain Newcomer, Joseph Hoffman and Frederick Shaffer (two other U.B. ministers). Accordingly, on 2 October 1813, after a solemn period of worship and meditation, with the assistance of an elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. William Ryland, Otterbein ordained by the laying on of hands these three men, the first to be ordained in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. This taking place just a few weeks before Otterbein's death.
Christian Newcomer was the son of Wolfgang and Elizabeth (Weller/Weber) Newcomer, the second of three sons born into this family, which included five daughters as well. Christian's grandfather, Peter Newcomer, brought his family to America from Switzerland some time between 1719 and 1727. They settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. They were of distinctly Mennonite heritage. Christian was baptized in and became a member of the Mennonite Church.