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Chone, Ecuador

Chone is a town in the province of Manabi in Ecuador. Officially, La Real Santisíma Villa Rica de la Bendita Providencia de San Cayetano de Chone de esta nuestra Nueva Castilla in reference to Saint Cajetan and The City of Kings, called Pueblo Viejo de Chone or Señorío de Pechance was founded in the early days of the colonization. It's located in the Ecuador's low-lying coastal region and plays an important CHONE transportation hub. It is about 7 hours by bus from the capital city of Quito.

According to the political-administrative division of the Republic of Ecuador is a territory with a legal category of Canton with the same name of its river, city and urban parish. Then there are: canton, city, town and parish Chone River. In the city are the main institutions and organizations of the council of Chone. All Canton is located along half of the province of Manabi, and political geographical axis is what is known as the northern area of Manabi. It is a prosperous area with its own identity and future competitiveness that includes the connection of production and trade hub across the northern Manabi is actually half of the province, besides being a top location enshrined in folklore coastal Ecuador mainly Montubio Ecuadorian Culture. Canton is the largest area at the provincial level and a major production center for raw materials that are absorbed quickly by the national and international industry, due to the excellent quality of their crops originated. Canton excel in this traditional crop planting and nourishing fruits of various coastal area; as cocoa, coffee, banana, cassava, maize, among others.

The city is established on both sides of-winter-flowing river in his honor also carries his name (Rio Chone). It is located in the grasslands and lowest marsh, moist and fertile in the Ecuadorian coast, the third most populous canton of Manabi Province and one of the most extensive in the coastal region and the country. The history of this village is also planned in the revolutionary and rebellious sentiment of its inhabitants, having been one of the first cities in Ecuador that led to one of the symbolic-armed conflict highlights. Among these conflicts are the Battle of The Yellows on 1 May 1895, with Chone Liberal Proclamation which was conducted May 5, 1895, motivated and due to the political maneuvering of the then Governor of the province of Guayas, former President Jose Maria Placido Caamano with the sale of the National Flag which caused the Liberal Revolution in Ecuador immediately ignoring government of President Dr.Luis Cordero Crespo and publicly proclaimed leader of the highest office of State Gen.Don Eloy Alfaro Delgado as President of the Republic.

