Swerling models were introduced by Peter Swerling and are used to describe the statistical properties of the radar cross-section of complex objects.
Swerling target models give the radar cross-section (RCS) of a given object using a distribution in the location-scale family of the chi-squared distribution.
where refers to the mean value of . This is not always easy to determine, as certain objects may be viewed the most frequently from a limited range of angles. For instance, a sea-based radar system is most likely to view a ship from the side, the front, and the back, but never the top or the bottom. is the degree of freedom divided by 2. The degree of freedom used in the chi-squared probability density function is a positive number related to the target model. Values of between 0.3 and 2 have been found to closely approximate certain simple shapes, such as cylinders or cylinders with fins.