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Cheyenne military societies

Cheyenne military societies are one of the two central institutions of traditional Cheyenne Indian tribal governance, the other being the Council of Forty-four. While council chiefs are responsible for overall governance of individual bands and the tribe as a whole, the headmen of military societies are in charge of maintaining discipline within the tribe, overseeing tribal hunts and ceremonies, and providing military leadership. Historically, council chiefs selected which of the six military societies would assume these duties; after a period of time on-duty, the chiefs would select a different society to take up the duties.

The prophet Sweet Medicine was said to designate the four original Cheyenne warrior societies (pl. Nótȧxévėstotȯtse, sing. Nótȧxévestȯtse), which had their own society songs (nótȧxénootȯtse) and were governed by a head man (nótȧxévėhoneve). Over the ages, some have developed branches or have transformed.

Fox Warriors Society (Vóhkêséhetaneo'o or Monêsóonetaneo'o), also known as Swift Fox or Kitfox (sing. Mónėsóonetane, pl. Mótsėsóonetaneo'o; variant: sing. Vóhkėséhetane, pl. Vóhkėséhetaneo'o). This society is found among both the Northern and the Southern Cheyenne. The Coyote Warriors Society (O'ôhoménotâxeo'o) and Flintmen Society (sing. Mótsėsóonetane, pl. Motsêsóonetaneo'o) are branches of the Fox Warriors Society. Among the Northern Cheyenne the Kit Fox Soldiers always claimed superiority over the others. Had strong ties through marriages with Kit Fox Society (in Lakota: Toka'la) affiliated families of Lakota Sioux.

Elk Warriors Society also known as Elk Horn Scrapers (Hémo'eoxeso),Bone Scraper Society, Hoof Rattle, Crooked Lance, Headed Lance, Blue Soldiers or Medicine Lance. This society is found among both the Northern and the Southern Cheyenne. This was the society of the famous warrior Roman Nose, and also of the mixed-race Cheyenne George Bent.

Shield Warriors Society (Ma'êhoohevaso), also known as Red Shield (sing. Ma'ėhoohēvȧhtse, pl. Ma'ėhoohevase - ′Redshields, lazy group. Lit: red-nails(shields)′). or Red Fox. This society was originally found in both the Northern and the Southern Cheyenne. Today it exists only among the Northern Cheyenne. Buffalo Warriors (Hotóanótâxeo'o), also known as Buffalo Bull or Bull, is a branch of the Shield Warriors Society.

