Chemical Warfare Brigade is a rock opera created by Marc Brownstein of the trance fusion band The Disco Biscuits. It was written during Marc Brownstein's dismissal from the band and was debuted by Electron. Since the Disco Biscuits rarely play a full Chemical Warfare Brigade, Disco Biscuits fans are lucky to catch a complete Chemical Warfare Brigade performance. Their most recent full performance of the Chemical Warfare Brigade was played on December 31, 2013 at the Theater at Madison Square Garden.
The Chemical Warfare Brigade Opera has been performed ten times in its entirety. The first performances were by Electron on August 18, 2000. All other performances were performed by The Disco Biscuits.
A large fellow from a very young age, Amos was raised in rural Tennessee. He is a rugged, handsome fellow, but has never been considered the brightest guy by his peers. He does not have many friends and spends a good deal of time drinking and fantasizing about what could have been had he decided to finish high school. Instead he dropped out so he could get a job and be a little more desirable to the very few women in the surrounding towns. Sufficed to say, many years later he is quite the opposite. He has very little actual ambition, very little money, and is extremely unsure of himself. Any time he really had had a chance with the ladies, he seemed to blow it. Meeting Shelby Rose seemed too good to be true, but he never thought twice when this sexy young women threw herself at him one night at Albert Lai's compound‚ currently out of work, has not had any work since he had a job doing carpentry at Albert Lai's compound a few summer back. Seems to be trustworthy and considers himself a good friend of Lai's and to no-ones surprise, Lai feels the same way...
Albert, or Bert, as his close friends called him, was always a very mysterious character. He never really talked that much, but always seemed to be enjoying himself in any situation. Nobody who knows Albert in town really knows what he "does" for a living. Everyone in town had their ideas. He has held a residence outside the town in the foothills for three years. He does not really seem to work or need any more money than he already has. He has what seems to the locals to be an extremely extensive security system, especially for the area, a notoriously crime free district. But he has been host to some of the greatest parties that have ever been thrown in the neighborhood, at least in Amos' memory, and there always seemed to be an abundance of alcohol and women at his compound. Bert has numerous residences, but has spent most of his adult life running a money laundering operation out of a Newark, New Jersey restaurant called Empire Hunan, and has strong connections to organized crime families in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Chicago, and Kansas City. His compound in Tennessee was rarely used for business, rather was used as a place where he could entertain potential business associates, friends and family.