The Adjutant General of Maryland is the head military official of the Maryland National Guard, the Maryland Defense Force, and any other military or paramilitary units that may be maintained by the State of Maryland. The adjutant general is responsible for the military department's budget and maintains all State-owned armories in Maryland.
Maryland Governor Thomas Sim Lee provided for the office of an adjutant general of the State Militia in "an Act to regulate and discipline the militia of this State," in compliance with the Act of Congress of 1792, entitled, "An Act more effectually to provide for the national defence, by establishing a uniform militia throughout the United States."
In October 1794, an adjutant general of Maryland was appointed for the first time and a resolution was passed at the November session of the Maryland General Assembly, as follows: "Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore / be and he is hereby authorized and required to pay to The Adjutant-General of this State for the time being, the sum of two hundred pounds current money, in quarterly payments, provided the said Adjutant-General reside or keep an office at the seat of government."
In 1797, the annual salary of the office was "five hundred and thirty-three dollars and one-third of a dollar," six hundred dollars in 1799, and was later "fixed and established" by law, (chapter 168, Laws of Maryland. 1S07), at five hundred dollars annually, to be paid in quarter yearly payments. By subsequent enactments, the amount was increased at various times until the present salary was attained and established.
The Adjutant General of Maryland was given the relative military rank of "Colonel of Artillery in the line" by Chapter 251, Laws of Maryland, 1834; the relative rank of "Brigadier-General" by Chapter 284, Laws of Maryland, 1864; and finally, the present rank of "Major-General" by Chapter 337, Laws of Maryland, 1867.