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Charles Edward Stuart, Count Roehenstart

Charles Edward Augustus Maximilian Stuart, Baron Korff, Count Roehenstart (c. May 1784 – 28 October 1854) was the natural son of Prince Ferdinand of Rohan (1738–1813), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cambrai, by Charlotte Stuart, Duchess of Albany, herself the natural but legitimised daughter of Charles Edward Stuart, "The Young Pretender" or "Bonnie Prince Charlie". Roehenstart was later a passive Jacobite claimant to the British throne.

The name of "Roehenstart" given to him in infancy combined the names of both of his parents, Rohan and Stuart, while failing to proclaim their identity, which at the time would have been a cause for scandal.

Although he retired from military service as a lieutenant colonel, he is sometimes called "General" Charles Edward Stuart, and this title appears on his gravestone at Dunkeld.

Roehenstart was baptised into the Roman Catholic faith on 13 May 1784 at the parish church of Saint-Merry in the rue de Saint Martin, Paris, when he was described as a son of Maximilian Roehenstart and of Clementine Ruthven. He was named Charles Edward after his royal grandfather. The letters of Roehenstart's mother to her own mother, Clementina Walkinshaw, provide evidence that this was one of her children, two daughters and one son, all fathered by Ferdinand de Rohan. The daughters were Marie Victoire Adélaïde ("Aglae"), who was baptised at the Château de Couzières on 19 June 1779, and Charlotte Maximilienne Amélie, born during the summer of 1780. The pregnancy with Roehenstart delayed Charlotte's plans to join her father in Florence, he having been kept in ignorance of all three children.

