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Parama-bhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Parameshvara Parama-Maheshvara
Gahadavala king
Reign c. 1089-1103 CE
Successor Madanapala
Issue Madanapala
Dynasty Gahadavala
Father Mahichandra

Chandradeva (IAST: Candradeva, r. c. 1089–1103 CE), also known as Chandraditya, was an Indian king from the Gahadavala dynasty. He ruled the Antarvedi country in present-day Uttar Pradesh, including Kanyakubja and Varanasi.

Although the Gahadavala inscriptions mention two of his ancestors, he was the first sovereign monarch of his family. Amid the chaos resulting from the decline of Kalachuri power and Ghaznavid invasions, Chandradeva established a government in the Kanyakubja-Varanasi region of the Gangetic plains.

According to the Gahadavala inscriptions, Chandradeva was a son of Mahichandra (alias Mahitala or Mahiyala), and a grandson of Yashovigraha.

The Gahadavala inscriptions give the titles and name of Chandradeva as "Parama-bhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Parameshvara Parama-Maheshvara Shriman Chandra-deva". They portray Chandradeva as the saviour of the earth (that is, the region which they ruled). The 1104 CE Bashai (Basahi) inscription states that Chandradeva saved the distressed earth, after the death of Bhoja and the destruction of Karna's fame. The 1109 Rahin (or Rahan) inscription states that Chandradeva was born after the destruction of the solar and the lunar Kshatriya dynasties, when the voice of the Vedas had almost disappeared. These descriptions suggest that the region suffered from chaos during the interregnum following the deaths of Bhoja (r. c. 1010-1055 CE) and Karna (r. c. 1038-1080 CE), probably as a result of the Turushka (Ghaznavid) invasions.

In these troubled times, Chandradeva established a new government, and brought peace to the region. The 1093 CE Chandrawati inscription states that Chandradeva's dynasty captured Kanyakubja, after the destruction of the descendants of the Gurjara-Pratihara king Devapala. In his 1090 CE Chandrawati inscription, Chandradeva assumes the imperial title Parama-bhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Parameshvara, which indicates that he had become a sovereign by this time.

