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Chabad.org is the flagship website of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement. It serves its own members and Jews worldwide. It was one of the first Jewish internet sites and the first and largest virtual congregation.

In 1988, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Kazen, a Chabad rabbi, began creating a Chabad-Lubavitch presence in cyberspace. With the advent of computer communication technology, Kazen recognized its potential for reaching an almost limitless audience, unlimited by geographic and other constraints. Kazen digitized thousands of documents into what became the world's first virtual Jewish library, and enabling thousands of people to learn about Judaism for the first time. Chabad.org served as a model for other Jewish organizations that created their own educational websites.

After Kazen's death in 1998, the site was rolled under the umbrella of the Chabad Lubavitch Media Center directed by Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin. Today, the Chabad Lubavitch Media Center maintains the flagship Chabad.org, specialized holiday sites, and over 1,400 customized sites for local Chabad houses.

Chabad.org has a comprehensive Jewish knowledge base which includes over 100,000 articles of information ranging from basic Judaism to Hasidic philosophy taught from the Chabad point of view. The major categories are the human being, God and man, concepts and ideas, the Torah, the physical world, the Jewish calendar, science and technology, people and events.

There are comprehensive sections on Shabbat, Kosher, Tefillin, Mezuzah, the Jewish way in death and mourning and a concise synagogue companion.

Chabad.org was the pioneer of “Ask the rabbi” sites. Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Kazen reached out to thousands of people on Fidonet, an online discussion network, as far back as 1988.

