Cetaganda is the collective name for an 8-planet empire in the Wormhole Nexus of the Vorkosigan Saga novels of Lois McMaster Bujold. Cetaganda contrasts with the empire of Barrayar, Beta Colony, and Jackson's Whole. It features heavily in the novel Cetaganda.
Cetaganda is an unusual society with a two-tiered aristocracy. Haut-caste Cetagandans are the products of a several-centuries-long self-conducted genetic engineering project to develop superior human beings. (They believe this process is as yet incomplete). The haut overlords of Cetaganda are infertile and have 47 chromosomes, with the extra chromosome being where the engineered genes are typically placed. They breed through embryos sent to them from the Star Creche in uterine replicators, rather than having children that are specifically genetically related to them. The women who run the Star Creche therefore wield enormous power within the empire, as they control the development of the next generation, and they determine who shall be parents.
Ghem-caste Cetagandans are a military caste that carries some engineered genes, but is largely free of the intensive control over reproduction that so thoroughly pervades the Haut. The Ghem are driven to impress their Haut-caste masters, largely through military conquest, often with disastrous results (at least as revealed in the series to date). The Ghem population functions as an intermediary between the Haut and the lower class by occasionally contributing genetic material to the Haut, and sometimes being awarded Haut women as wives when the Star Creche decides that a new gene is ready to be released into the Cetagandan population. While a Haut wife is one of the highest honors a Ghem can receive, it means disgrace to the Haut woman, whose high status is lost.
There is also a genetically engineered servitor caste, "Ba" — a genderless group incapable of reproduction and used as guinea pigs for Haut genetic engineering experiments. New genes being considered for introduction to the Haut gene pool will first be tried on Ba, who also generally act as house servants for their Haut masters, even though they are genetically very closely related to the Haut. There is some indication that the Ba, while being strictly conditioned and engineered for loyalty, may resent this status. Ba are not a common sight outside major Haut reproduction centers. While the Haut require significant resources to continue their lavish lifestyle, they make up such a small portion of the population within the vast Cetagandan Empire that only a small portion of its resources are required to support them. Cetagandan subjects enjoy a per capita tax rate that is approximately half that of a Barrayaran's.