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Certificate of Primary Education

The Certificate of Primary Education is an academic qualification in Mauritius awarded upon the completion of primary school. The qualification is awarded upon earning passing marks on the primary school exams administered by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate. Students who successfully earn the qualification may then progress onto secondary school study.

Certificate of Primary Education candidates may take the following subjects:

Students who are awarded the CPE upon successful completion of primary school may advance onto secondary colleges, where they may begin lower secondary education. The highest achieving students generally progress onto national colleges. Lower secondary education concludes with the awarding of the Form III Certificate. Students who fail the CPE exams are allowed one single opportunity to re-sit the exams.

If students fail the CPE exams, or have not received the CPE by age 13, they may then progress onto the Pre-vocational Certificate. As education is compulsory until age 16, this allows those who were not able to complete their studies in the academic stream to transition onto the vocational stream and continue their formal education.

