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Ceraria namaquensis 01 ies.jpg
Ceraria namaquensis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Core eudicots
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Didiereaceae
Subfamily: Portulacarioideae
Genus: Ceraria
Pearson & Stephens

Ceraria carrissoana
Ceraria evora
Ceraria fruticulosa
Ceraria gariepina
Ceraria kaokoensis
Ceraria kuneneana
Ceraria longipedunculata
Ceraria namaquensis
Ceraria pygmaea
Ceraria schaeferi

Ceraria carrissoana
Ceraria evora
Ceraria fruticulosa
Ceraria gariepina
Ceraria kaokoensis
Ceraria kuneneana
Ceraria longipedunculata
Ceraria namaquensis
Ceraria pygmaea
Ceraria schaeferi

Ceraria is a genus of succulent shrubs, native to South Africa and Namibia.

Recent phylogenetic tests have shown conclusively that Ceraria is located within the Portulacaria genus, and consequently all species have been accordingly renamed.

They are very slow-growing, semi-deciduous or deciduous, and succulent perennials with a few branches and many small, ovoid leaves along the stems. Branches are pale-barked smooth with papery cortex. These woody-stemmed desert shrubs have many short and ovoid gray-green leaves. Flowers, born on peduncles of 13–17 mm long, with some minute ovate bracts 4 mm long. Calyx with two phyllous, 5 rose-colored, obovate, 2 mm long petals. Five stamens with linear filaments.

