Center Grove is an unincorporated community located in White River Township, Johnson County, Indiana. The area gained its name from the award winning Center Grove Community School Corporation.
During the 2000 United States Census, unincorporated White River Township accounted for 35,539 citizens (93% urban, 7% rural).
In 2008, a panel was formed by the neighboring city of Greenwood, Indiana and selected residents from White River Township to evaluate the possibility of merging the area into the established corporate limits of Greenwood. Discussions of the proposed merger raised concerns with the southern town of Bargersville, Indiana who disputed elements of the Greenwood proposed merger plan for contested areas targeted for future annexation (generally select property north of the Bargersville town limits.)
The measure has yet to reach public ballot. Additionally, there are public accounts of current Greenwood City Mayor, Charles Henderson, losing interest in making the White River Township merger a continued city campaign. Despite repeated attempts by the town of Bargersville to continue its northward annexation, the current White River Township Board Members / Trustee have yet to declare their views of what the future of the area may be.
On January 4, 2011, the elected members of the White River Township (WRT) board took the first official action of public office to vote and reject the merger plan previously approved by the former WRT board members. The White River Township board members include Greg Rainbolt, Peggy Young, and Dave Pollard. During a board meeting held on January 4, 2011, Board Chairman Greg Rainbolt stated his desire to have serious discussions involving the future of the unincorporated Center Grove community, to include the feasibility of the Center Grove area studying the viability of becoming a town in the state of Indiana.
Many publications from the Greenwood Committee and White River Township board have been produced, voted on, challenged, re-produced, re-voted, and re-challenged by residents of Greenwood, unincorporated White River Township, and Bargersville. One reason for the City of Greenwood interests in unincorporated White River Township is based in part on the city's campaign to become a 'second class' city within the State of Indiana, as well as expanding its residential tax base to aid with the City's growing public debt.
Despite opposition from local residents of Greenwood, the city council's campaign for the City of Greenwood to become a second class city in the State of Indiana occurred without the proposed merger with White River Township ever being brought to public ballot.