Gross and subtle bodies
1. Spiritual plane:
2. Spiritual plane:
3. Spiritual plane:
4. Spiritual / Causal plane:
5 Mental / Causal plane:
6. Astral-Ethereal plane:
7. Material plane:
The 7 Worlds & the 7 Cosmic Planes
The Seven-fold constitution of Man
The Ten-fold constitution of Man
Ray of Creation
The Laws
Three Centers and Five Centers
Causal plane is a term used in Neo-Theosophy, some contemporary Vedanta, the New Age, (especially some channelled communications), and sometimes Occultism, to describe a high spiritual plane of existence, i.e. (hyperplane, which even the physical is). However there is great variation between the different definitions.
The Neo-theosophy of Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater replaced Blavatsky's "Higher Manas" principle with the "Higher Mental", "Abstract Mind" (as opposed to Lower Mental or "Concrete Mind"), or Causal Body. The equivalent cosmic plane is the Causal Plane. A detailed description of the Causal Plane, along with the Causal Body, is provided by A. E. Powell, who has compiled information in the works of Besant and Leadbeater in a series of books on each of the subtle bodies.