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Candidates for speedy deletion

This is a hidden category. It is not shown on its member pages, unless the corresponding is set.

If you intend to change this category in any significant way, please inform the bot operators. The relevant bots are:
Cydebot, operated by Cyde

Tools to view the pages by tagging time, such as this one by Betacommand and this one by R'n'B

This category contains pages tagged with speedy deletion templates. Before speedily deleting a page, take the time to ensure that it meets the criteria for speedy deletion, check the links, the history, and (for images) the file links. If there is any doubt at all, switch the article to a process like that allows time for others to review the proposal.

Speedy does not mean immediate. Although many speedy-deletion candidates are processed within a few minutes, more complicated pages may remain in the list for several days.

Pages with attack titles: If you think these titles need redaction, please also check recent versions of User:Cyde/List of candidates for speedy deletion/Subpage (as far back as when the article was tagged); please also check the patrol log, since the page may have been patrolled. Please also note that the author may have been given a warning about this page which (s)he may have removed; and that there may be other incoming links (such as the tagger's own CSD tagging log).

G1: Nonsense – G2: Test pages – G3: Vandalism – G4: Previously deleted by AfD – G5: Banned user – G6: Housekeeping – G7: Author's request – G8: Dependent page – G9: Office actions – G10: Attack pages/libel – G11:Spam – G12: Copyright infringement - G13: Abandoned old AfC submissions

