The third election to the Carmarthenshire County Council was held in March 1898. It was preceded by the 1895 election and followed by the 1901 election.
The Liberal Party once again retained a strong majority.
There were no boundary changes at this election.
Eight aldermen retired at the election.
There were a large number of contested elections and the majorities were small in most instances.
This section summarises the detailed results which are noted in the following sections. This was the inaugural county election and therefore no comparison can be made with the previous elections. In some cases there is an ambiguity in the sources over the party affiliations and this is explained below where relevant.
This table summarises the result of the elections in all wards. 51 councillors were elected.
In addition to the 51 councillors the council consisted of 17 county aldermen. Aldermen were elected by the council, and served a six-year term. Following the elections, the following aldermen were appointed by the newly elected council.