The CDP (formerly the "Carbon Disclosure Project") is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which works with shareholders and corporations to disclose the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of major corporations. As disclosure of emission related data as CDP's primary activity, the quality of the data reported to CDP is key. In 2014, nearly 2000 businesses reported climate change data to CDP. The value of CDP's reports for investors and NGOs is contested. Furthermore, the quality of the data on which CDP's reports are premised is questionable.
International agreements such as the have proved problematic, and individual governments have been reluctant to develop stringent national limits on emissions for fear of big companies relocating their factories and jobs to nations with laxer regulatory regimes. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) attempts to sidestep these national interests by focusing on individual companies rather than on nations. CDP brings together institutional investors to focus attention on carbon emissions, energy usage and reduction – wherever companies and assets may be located.
Some corporations have higher greenhouse gas emissions than individual nation states. Some leading companies have moved to become carbon neutral, but for others there is the scope to reduce energy usage and greenhouse gas-emissions through the adoption of energy-efficiency methods and business planning.
CDP works with 3000 of the largest corporations in the world to help them ensure that an effective carbon emissions / reductions strategy is made integral to their business . The collection of self-reported data from thousands of companies is supported by 822 institutional investors with US$95 trillion under management. CDP operates from Berlin, New York, London and has partners in 18 of the world's major economies which help deliver the programme globally. It has:
Much of the data has never been collected before. This information is helpful to investors, corporations, and regulators in making informed decisions which take into account corporate risk from future government legislation, possible future lawsuits, and shifts in consumers' perceptions towards heavy emitters. RepRisk’s data will add to the current evaluation process by validating company-provided information and clarifying how a company’s policies, commitments and initiatives translate into performance. An estimated $27 trillion will be spent over the next 30 years on new energy-related capital developments (power stations, fuel distillation plants, etc.). In line with ecological modernisation school of thought, CDP considers it vital that the right or optimally-suitable technologies are adopted. In particular: