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The Buso Renkin anime and manga series features an extensive cast of characters created by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The series takes place in the fictional Ginsei City, Japan, where a boy named Koshaku Chouno is creating alchemical monsters known as homunculi. During a night, Kazuki Muto, an ordinary boy, is killed by a homunculus, while trying to save his sister, Mahiro, and Tokiko Tsumura. Feeling guilty, Tokiko, a member of the The Alchemist Army, revives him by replacing his heart with an alchemical device called kakugane. The kakugane allows its wielder to form a buso renkin, a special weapon that is the only thing that can destroy a homunculus. With his own buso renkin, Kazuki decides to join Tokiko in the fight against the homunculi. Over the course of the series, they also must to defeat the L.X.E, a group consisting of human-type homunculi, as well as Victor, an entity most powerful than the homunculi.

While developing the series, Watsuki was influenced by his previous works, mostly by Rurouni Kenshin from which he drew references to the main characters; Kazuki and Tokiko were conceptualized after Makimachi Misao and Himura Kenshin, respectively. Films such as The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Brotherhood of the Wolf also served as source of inspiration, as well as American comics. Reviewers called the characters generic and also criticized their designs. The main characters divided critics' opinion; Kazuki and Papillon have received both praise and criticism, while most of praise was towards Tokiko, who also was voted as the most popular character of the series by readers.

Watsuki based Buso Renkin's characters and fictional elements on his previous works. He conceptualized Kazuki while imagining Makimachi Misao, and Tokiko was designed as a feminized version of Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin.[ch. 3] From the same series, Yukishiro Enishi and Yukishiro Tomoe served as inspiration for the Hayasaka twins;[ch. 36]Inui Banjin and Otowa Hyōko for the homunculi Kinjo[ch. 22] and Jinnai.[ch. 24] Shusui Hayasaka's buso renkin, "Sword Samurai X", refers to the English name of Rurouni Kenshin.[ch. 48] Watsuki declared that Buster Baron is a "reincarnation" of the Armor Baron from Gun Blaze West. In addition, Victor's buso renkin is named after the X-Men storyline of the same name.

