Canossa High School is a convent school located in the city of Mumbai, India. The school consists of a pre-primary, primary and secondary school, the primary having a separate building. It follows inclusive and holistic education and also runs a special school for "differently abled" boys and girls. It also runs Canossa Night School. The current principal at the Mahim branch is Sr. Margaret Siquera and the vice-principal is Sr. Jacqueline Chettiar. The ex-principal is Sr. Audrey Rose D'Souza
The school uniform is a blue dress with translucent white buttons. White tennis shoes with white socks with a blue stripe are a part of the uniform.
The school's operating hours are between 7:15 a.m and 1:30 p.m.
Coordinates: 19°07′33″N 72°51′59″E / 19.12594°N 72.866285°E