Campaign Cartographer is a Windows program created by ProFantasy Software originally in 1993, designed to draw maps for role playing and miniature war games. The CAD engine is based on FastCAD, although most of code is written by the publishers. It includes a variety of add-ons for different genres, including fantasy, modern and science fiction. Campaign Cartographer 3, was released on 30 June 2006 and has since been updated 9 times. There are currently 9 add-ons for Campaign Cartographer; 6 drawing add-ons that add tools, templates, and symbol catalogs and 3 symbol set add-ons consisting of thousands of symbols. Campaign Cartographer has been used to illustrate novels such as Shades of Gray by Lisanne Norman, Le Temple Des Eaux-Mortes by Eric Ferris, and Johannes Cabal the Detective by Jonathan L. Howard. The Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas, published by TSR, Inc. in 1999, was likewise constructed using Campaign Cartographer.
The following are commercial add-ons available for the Campaign Cartographer tool.