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Cam Kennedy

Cam Kennedy
Born Campbell Kennedy
Nationality Scottish
Area(s) Penciler, Inker
Notable works
Judge Dredd
Rogue Trooper
The Light and Darkness War
Star Wars: Dark Empire

Campbell ("Cam") Kennedy is a Scottish comics artist. He is best known for his work on 2000 AD, especially the flagship titles Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper.

Following work in commercial art in his hometown of Glasgow, Kennedy went freelance and worked as an illustrator on D.C. Thomson's Commando, a well-known British war comic, between 1967 and 1972, before leaving comics altogether to become a professional fine artist. Kennedy's work has been described as gritty, energetic, chunky and raw.

In 1978 he was lured back to comics work again, beginning by drawing the Fighting Mann (1980-81) strip for Fleetway Publications' Battle comic. As Battle began to wind down, Kennedy moved across to its stablemate, the weekly sci-fi anthology comic 2000 AD

Working during the title's "Golden Era", Kennedy was instrumental in several well-known strips that continue to this day, including The V.C.s (written by Gerry Finley-Day, Judge Dredd (with John Wagner and Alan Grant, most notably on the "Midnight Surfer" story which reintroduced Chopper) and Rogue Trooper (again with Finley-Day). His association with the comic, which is largely produced by fellow Scotsmen, has never faltered: in 2005, Kennedy designed and produced a brand new strip, Zancudo, written by Simon Spurrier for the Judge Dredd Megazine, and Wagner has written three stories about character Kenny Who?, an alter-ego for Kennedy, based on Kennedy's early problems getting work at American companies (as well as making jokes on issues like creator's rights and censorship).

