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Dune Movie Caladan.jpg
Caladan, from David Lynch's Dune (1984)
Universe Dune universe
Notable people House Atreides
Created by Frank Herbert
Genre Science fiction

Caladan is a fictional planet in the Dune universe created by Frank Herbert, first mentioned in the 1965 novel Dune.

On October 8, 2014, a real-world planitia (plain) on Saturn's moon Titan was named Caladan Planitia after Herbert's fictional planet.

Caladan, the third planet of Delta Pavonis, is the ancestral fiefdom of House Atreides, who have ruled it for twenty-six generations, from the ancient Castle Caladan. An ocean planet, Caladan's surface is predominantly covered with water; its climate is characterized by much precipitation and strong winds, but is tolerable enough to make special and expensive weather control measures unnecessary. Habitable land is often characterized by soft meadows, swamps, and dense forests. The resource base of Caladan consists mainly of agriculture and biomass, with fishing and the locally grown pundi rice serving as the primary sources of sustenance for its people. Other traditional products include wine, whale fur, corals, certain gemstones, and livestock, most prominently thorses and cattle.

In Dune (1965), Duke Leto Atreides leaves Caladan for the desert planet Arrakis to assume temporary control over the melange-mining operations there. Leto's son Paul Atreides ultimately rises to lead the entire native Fremen population of Arrakis, using his subsequent control of the planet and its supply of the valuable spice melange to depose the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, Shaddam IV.

