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C W Henderson

Charles W. Henderson is an American media executive, technology executive, and journalist. He is president of media and technology companies NewsRx LLC and ScholarlyMedia LLC. He was co-founder of Video Concert Hall the first nationwide music video TV network. A USA Today cover story named him one of “6 Who Made a Difference.” He has also been on the cover of Billboard magazine.

Henderson was born in Fitzgerald, Georgia, beginning his media career at eleven years old as a paperboy for the Daily Tifton Gazette. In 1964, the campaign manager for the Lyndon Johnson-Hubert Humphrey presidential election heard from a Democratic Party official about fifteen-year-old Henderson’s involvement in civil rights and contacted him to arrange a meeting with Humphrey in Tifton; this led to Henderson’s selection as an inaugural staffer with the federal Project Head Start, which began in 1965.

At 18, he enrolled in the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, where he wrote news releases at the university’s News Bureau, the university’s Office of Public Relations, and, over the summers, the Georgia Regional Hospital at Atlanta.

While an undergraduate at University of Georgia, he also attended Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, as a grant-funded special student where he first encountered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) located on the Emory campus. An Emory researcher took Henderson to the CDC where he participated in meetings concerning the center’s activities. These contacts helped Henderson later when he began publishing medical newsweeklies.

In addition to his 1971 undergraduate BA in Journalism, Henderson holds a 2006 MFA in English (Creative and Professional Writing) from Western Connecticut State University, Danbury. He was selected for the first week-long Yale Publishing Course. He started working on a doctorate in education at the University of Sussex, and in 2014 completed his PhD in creative writing at University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, UK, studying under British playwright Dic Edwards.

