The Burnt Fly Bog Superfund Site is located in Marlboro Township in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Contamination began around the 1950s and 60's. It was used as a dumping ground for hazardous chemicals and oils. This site was used to reprocess or recycle oil, and it was also used as a landfill during the 1950s. It was used as an intentional and accidental dumping ground for waste and oil. The contamination affected the surface water, deposit and soil contamination. The EPA got involved around the 1980s and addressed the situation. Human Health concerns were a main part of the EPA getting involved because residents that lived only about 1,000 to 2,000 feet around the site. Major components of the remedy included excavation and off-site disposal of contaminated soil from Northerly Wetlands, Tar Patch Area. The back filling of the areas addressed, monitoring of the surface water and sediments, and biological sampling in the Westerly Wetlands. The current status of the site is complete. The remedial stages were completed in the late 90’s and a five-year monitoring of the surface water was completed around 2004.
Burnt Fly Bog is a rural land covering about 17 hundred acres of Marlboro Township, Monmouth County. Some part of the land extending to Middlesex County. Burnt Fly Bog consists of an Uplands Area and Westerly Wetlands where most of the waste was dumped. It also includes about four lagoons, Asphalt Area, the Tar Patch Area, Northerly Wetlands and the Westerly Wetlands
Marlboro is a rural area constituted of dairy, tomato, potato farms. Before World War II, the township was the nation’s largest grower of potatoes. Around the 50’s and 60’s population grew tremendously. After the war the state began improve and build transportation infrastructure in the township. Developments of housing and buildings began to replace the farm and rural areas of the town, and it became a growing suburb for people that were working in New York and in the large corporations near the town.
The company Ace-Manzo Inc was the one involved in the waste and chemical dumping in Burnt Fly Bog. Ace-Manzo Inc. is a privately owned company based in Matawan, New Jersey. The owners are Dominick and Carmella Manzo. The company handles water, sewer and utility lines within construction and contractor sectors. The company was founded by Dominick Manzo in 1958. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 19 million dollars. The EPA also blamed Champion Chemical, Imperial Oil and Emil Stevens. The EPA only pointed figures at Champion Chemical, Imperial Oil,and Emil Stevens, but they were never successful in proving that they were responsible. But the EPA did win a case against Ace-Manzo making them the main cause for the creation of the Superfund site. The state recovered about $1.9 million from a federal lawsuit which charged Dominick and Carmella Manzo responsible for the dumping of hazardous materials and waste in Burnt Fly Bog.