The Alliance of Germans, Party for Unity, Peace and Freedom (German: Bund der Deutschen, Partei für Einheit, Frieden und Freiheit, BdD) was a political party in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The BdD resulted from the opposition movement to Konrad Adenauer's policies of Western integration. After signing of the general agreement on June 26, 1952, the German Union (Deutsche Sammlung) was founded in Dortmund. Members of the presidium were the former state chancellor Joseph Wirth (CDU), Katharina von Kardorff-Oheimb and Wilhelm Elfes (also former CDU member). The Deutsche Sammlung called for an opposition to the Western integration and demanded that every opportunity for German re-unification should be used.
The foundation of the BdD followed the initiative of the politbureau of the Socialist Unity Party of East Germany. Despite the fact that 'bourgeois' politicians like Joseph Wirth, Wilhelm Elfes made up the leadership, the party organisation and finances were in firm control of communist functionaries. The goal of the SED was to form a so-called of bourgeois and "national" forces ("national-gesinnte"), similar to the communist-controlled 'National Front' in East Germany.
The core program of the BdD was a policy of neutrality as well as opposition to the re-armament of West Germany and the Western integration. Unlike Konrad Adenauer's policies, an understanding/a compromise with the USSR was sought.
Though the BdD tried to advance economic and social demands of the middle classes and the peasants, it also sought socialisation of the large industrial enterprises. In 1956 the Communist Party of Germany was forbidden just like re-foundation of possible communist successor parties. Therefore, in the late 1950s, the BdD started to act increasingly as a substitute (Ersatzorganisation) for West German communists.