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Type Daily Newspaper
Publisher Vision Group
Editor Michael Mukasa Ssebbowa
News editor Paul Kaddu
Managing editor, design Geoffrey Kulubya
Photo editor Herbert Lumansi
Founded 1994
Language Luganda
Headquarters First Street, Industrial Area, Kampala, Uganda
Circulation Approx: 40,000 daily (2013)
Website Homepage

Bukedde, is a daily Ugandan newspaper published in Kampala, Uganda. It is the leading daily newspaper in the country for both English and Luganda papers with an estimated daily circulation of about 40,000 copies daily.

The newspaper is published by the Vision Group, which publishes the New Vision, Uganda's leading English daily newspaper. The publisher also circulates other dailies and weeklies in Ugandan languages, including: (a) Orumuri in Runyakitara (b) Etop in Ateso and Rupiny in Lwo. Bukedde is available in print form and on the Internet.

The newspaper was founded in 1994. It is the only newspaper in Uganda that publishes a dedicated section about the Kabaka of Buganda. The name Bukedde, translates loosely into English as Morning Has Come.

