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Bruno Verner

Bruno Verner (born 1971 in Belo Horizonte) is a Brazilian composer, poet, electronic musician, performance artist and compiler, best known for his work as the other half of Brazilian tropical punk funk duo Tetine which he formed with Eliete Mejorado in São Paulo in 1995.

Verner was an active member of Belo Horizonte's post punk and industrial scene from the mid 1980s as a musician, poet, performer & producer, having played alongside a number of pioneering post punk acts. He sang, played keyboards, bass guitar and programmed drum machines in Brazilian post punk bands such R. Mutt, Divergencia Socialista, Ida & e Os Voltas, O Grito Mudo and Albania Berg - electronic and experimental groups from his hometown over a period spanning from 1985-1990. His early work is compiled in cassette tapes and compilations such as Lilith Lunaire Divergencia Socialista, R. Mutt (R. Mutt), Mulata Urbana (O Grito Mudo), Jovens Raptados (Ida & Os Voltas) ' Substance - Marcelo Dolabela & Divergencia Socialista. Verner early tracks with Divergencia Socialista, Tetine and O Grito Mudo are also included in the compilation Uncorrupted Tropical Wave, 1984-2011 ( Slum Dunk 2011)

Bruno Verner was born in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. His mother worked as a primary school teacher and his father was a pianist. He studied music at Fundação de Educação Artística (FEA) in Belo Horizonte where he developed an avid interest in contemporary music and the avant-garde, becoming a young composer of electronic music at the age of 17. His piece ‘Casamento’ for 2 sequencers,synthesiser and a sculpture was performed at Ciclo de Música Contemporânea in a programme dedicated to emerging young composers.

In 1990 Bruno Verner moved to São Paulo to study Linguistics at Universidade de São Paulo, USP and music at Universidade Livre de Musica (ULM). In the early 90’s he founded the performance group "Um Ou Nao". As a poet & musician, he also conceived and wrote a number of experimental performances involving an unorthodox use of text, sound, improvisation and visuals from 1991-1994 in São Paulo. From this period pieces such as I Dada Happening Interdisciplinar, Pressupostos A Uma Sintaxe Sensorial, "O UM" were presented in art spaces, underground clubs, bookshops and small cinemas around São Paulo. In 1991 he wins the literary prize Projeto Nascente from Universidade de Sao Paulo and later publishes a poetry book called O UM on Atelier Editorial.

