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Bronx Recognizes Its Own Award

The Bronx Recognizes Its Own (BRIO) Award honors Bronx artists in a number of categories. It is given yearly by the Bronx Council on the Arts. Winners must be residents of the Bronx and are expected to do community service for a local arts organization as part of the award. Vivien Raynor of The New York Times said "If the Bronx ever becomes a Barbizon, its Council on the Arts should get some credit, because of the Bronx Recognizes Its Own grants that it dispenses..."

The BRIO award began in 1989 and was twenty years old in 2009. Both the size of the grant and the number of prize winners has varied over the years. In 1989 twelve recipients were selected. In 1991 there were sixteen awards. In 1992 there were ten.

An asterisk indicates an award that was shared by a team.

