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Broadmeadows state by-election, 2011

A by-election for the Victorian Legislative Assembly district of Broadmeadows was conducted on 19 February 2011, and was retained by the Australian Labor Party.

The by-election was triggered by the resignation on 21 December 2010 of John Brumby, the former Premier of Victoria whose 11-year incumbent Labor government was defeated at the 2010 election. Writs for the by-election were issued on 20 January 2011.

Primary votes in Broadmeadows at the 2010 election saw Labor win 62.3 percent and the Liberals win 25.3 percent, with a 71 percent two-party Labor vote. Being Labor's safest seat at that election, the Liberals chose not to contest the by-election. Labor chose to stand Frank McGuire, brother of Eddie McGuire as their candidate. Nine candidates stood at the by-election, with McGuire predicted to win.

Labor won the seat with a majority of primary votes alone. Turkish independent Celal Sahin made a show with a fifth of the primary vote and 30 percent of the two-candidate-preferred vote.

