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Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre

The Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre (BACC) was an NGO which until December 31, 2007 pre-approved most British television advertising. The work of the BACC has been taken over by Clearcast Ltd.

BACC approval was applied both to scripts and to the final commercials. The BACC applied a list of criteria which included both good taste and decency criteria, and also a variety of technical and even medical constraints (advertisements may not, for example, contain flashing which would set off attacks of photosensitive epilepsy).

The BACC was a department of ITV but funded by all of the participating British commercial television channels, in proportion to their viewing figures.

All TV commercials in the UK which were broadcast as part of a national campaign (i.e. on a national channel such as Channel 4, five, Sky etc.) had to be pre-approved by the BACC.

As of 2008 the work (and staff) of the BACC was taken over by Clearcast Ltd. The BACC had been owned and administered by ITV, Clearcast's shareholders include ITV, C4, Five, Sky, GMTV, Turner, IDS and Viacom.

Clearcast was born out of The UK TV Administration Forum, which has representation from all major broadcasters, to develop a more effective means of managing its existing shared services within television administration. Clearcast will provide an effective one-stop resource for the administration of all audio visual advertising.

Clearcast has also taken over management of the Attribution System from the Board of TV Eye Ltd, as well as managing additional commercial and administration contracts and services going forward.

Advertising agencies submit pre-production scripts before any significant expense is incurred in the production of a TV commercial to the BACC. Once submitted the agencies allocated Copy Group Executive will give initial comments on the script detailing broadcast timing restrictions, advice on appropriate use of specific shots or imagery and requesting substantiation. An agency will then either adapt the script (because it does not comply or contains a claim which cannot be 'backed up') and submit relevant substantiation documents to the BACC executive.

