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Brigitte Auber

Brigitte Auber (born 27 April 1928, Paris, France) is a French actress who has worked extensively on stage, film and TV in Europe.

Auber started out with the leading role in Jacques Becker's Rendezvous in July (1949) and was known for major roles followed in numerous French films of the 1950s, including Julien Duvivier's Romance Sous le ciel de Paris (1951).

Auber's best-known role, and one of her few English-speaking parts, was opposite Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in Alfred Hitchcock's To Catch a Thief, released in 1955. Auber plays the role of Danielle Foussard.

In 1969 she played the part of elder Françoise in Claude de Givrays miniseries Mauregard while the young Françoise has been played by another French Hitchcock-actress, Claude Jade from Topaz.

She also had a supporting role in 1998's film adaptation of The Vicomte of Bragelonne: Ten Years Later by Alexandre Dumas. Leonardo DiCaprio played Louis XIV of France and the Man in the Iron Mask, while Auber played the Queen mother's attendant.

