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Brand loyalty

Brand loyalty is defined as positive feelings towards a brand and dedication to purchase the same product or service repeatedly now and in the future from the same brand, regardless of a competitor’s actions or changes in the environment. It can also be demonstrated with other behaviours such as positive word of mouth advocacy. Brand loyalty is where an individual buys products from the same manufacturer repeatedly rather than from other suppliers. Businesses whose value rests in a large part on their brand loyalty are said to use the loyalty business model.

A brand is seen as an idea or concept, not a product. This concept of a brand displays imagery and symbolism for a product or range of products. Brands can have the power to engage consumers and make them feel emotionally attached. Consumer’s beliefs and attitudes make up brand images, and these affect how they will view brands they come into contact with ). Brand experience occurs when consumers shop for or search for, and consume products. Holistic experiences such as sense, relation, acting and feeling occur when one comes into contact with brands. The stronger and more relational these senses are to the individual, the more for likely repeat purchase behaviour will occur. After contact has been made, psychological reasoning will occur, followed by a buy or not-buy decision. This can result in repeat purchase behaviour, thus incurring the beginning of brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is not limited to repeat purchase behaviour, as there is deeper psychological reasoning as to why an individual will continuously re-purchase products from one brand. Brand loyalty can be shortly defined as the ‘behavioural willingness to consistently maintain relations with a particular brand’ In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 68 percent responded that they found the "loyalty" metric very useful.

True brand loyalty occurs when consumers are willing to pay higher prices for a certain brand, go out of their way for the brand, or think highly of it.

Brand loyalty, in marketing, consists of a consumer's commitment to repurchase or otherwise continue using the brand and can be demonstrated by repeated buying of a product or service, or other positive behaviors such as word of mouth advocacy.

