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Bragging rights

Boasting is to speak with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, or abilities. This is also known as "bragging rights", which are not cancelled out by another individual's objection to said bragging rights. For example, when a young woman allegedly stopped a driver from crossing a railroad track when the train was approaching and there were no visible warnings of its approach, her rights to brag were not thwarted when another individual attempted to dispute the validity of her heroic act.

Boasting occurs when someone feels a sense of satisfaction or when someone feels that whatever occurred proves their superiority and is recounting accomplishments so that others will feel admiration or envy.

Individuals construct an image of themselves, a personal identity, and present themselves in a manner that is consistent with that image.Theodore Millon theorized that in self-presentation, individuals seek to balance boasting against discrediting themselves with excessive self-promotion or being caught blatantly misrepresenting themselves. Studies show that people often have a limited ability to perceive how their efforts at self-presentation are actually impacting their acceptance and likeability by others.

Christian bible: Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches (Jeremiah 9:23 ESV).

Quran: Verily, Allâh does not like such as are proud and boastful; Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness on other men and hide what Allâh has bestowed upon them of His Bounties (The Noble Qur'an 4:36-37).

Hindu Wisdom: Whereas, in our Occident, the most dry and sterile minds brag in front of Nature (La Bible de l'Humanite in Oeuvres).

The Ancient Greek book The Characters of Theophrastus devotes a chapter to "The Boastful Man".

Bēot is Old English for a ritualized boast, vow, threat or promise, which was usually made by an Anglo-Saxon warrior on the eve of or during battle. Bēots can be found in the epic poem Beowulf, including by the hero himself.

A gab (Old Occitan [ˈɡap] for "boast") is a troubadour boasting song.

