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Doctor Who character
Angus MacKay John Arnatt Leonard Sachs Philip LathamThe four faces of Borusa
About this image
Actors who have played Borusa in chronological order, left to right from top to bottom
First appearance The Deadly Assassin
Last appearance The Five Doctors
Portrayed by
Affiliated The Master
Fourth Doctor
Fifth Doctor
Species Time Lord
Home planet Gallifrey
Other appearances The Invasion of Time
Arc of Infinity

Borusa is a fictional character in the series Doctor Who. Within the context of the series, Borusa is a former teacher of the Doctor who appears in four serials. Notably, Borusa was portrayed by a different actor in each appearance, it being implied that the character regenerated.

In The Deadly Assassin, it is established that Borusa is a member of the Prydonian Chapter and is said to have taught the Doctor in the Prydon Academy.

It is further revealed in The Invasion of Time that Borusa taught mind shielding, among other subjects, and had written a paper on reason.

His past on Gallifrey is expanded upon in spin-off media. In the Past Doctor Adventures novel Divided Loyalties, Borusa is revealed to have taught the Deca, ten brilliant academy students including the Doctor, the Master, the Meddling Monk, the Rani, Drax, the War Chief, Vansell, Rallon, Millenia and Jelpax.

In the Virgin Missing Adventures novel Goth Opera, it is said that Borusa was the subject of practical jokes from the Doctor and his friend Ruath. These jokes included the electrification of Borusa's "perigosto stick".

In the Virgin New Adventures novel Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible, Borusa is said to have written a history entitled "Rassilon the God".

