Boot Boys were a Neo-Nazi extremist group from Bøler, a suburb of Oslo, with connections to individuals in Bergen and Kristiansand. The group consisted of about 50 members, considered the most violent Neo-Nazis in Norway. They were founded in the mid-90s and were active for many years. When the Neo-Nazi environment in Bøler was at its strongest in autumn 2000, it consisted of a core of 10-12 uniformed young men who controlled a small area in the community of Bøler. They marched in the streets, painted swastikas on school walls, drank beer on the ridge behind the center and claimed the lake Nøklevann in the evenings. Around them they had a small legion of recruiting teens. The district spoke nearly around 50 in this grey zone before outreach, police and parents started a joint clean-up in November 2000. Daniel de Linde was one of the groups known members. Other members included Joe Erling Jahr and Ole Nicolai Kvisler, who was convicted of the murder of Benjamin Hermansen on 26 January 2001.