The Books Are My Bag Reader's Awards are annual literary awards presented by the Booksellers Association in the UK and Ireland since 2016. They are sponsored by National Book Tokens.
The awards were launched at the 2016 Booksellers Association conference with the aim of being the first literary awards voted for by the public. A shortlist of books are voted for by bookshops who are members of the Booksellers Association, and the winner of each category is chosen by an online public vote, with over 40,000 people voting in the 2017 awards. The ceremony takes place in November in Foyles bookshop in London.
Awards are presented in the categories of Novel, Popular Fiction, Non-Fiction, Middle Grade, Young Adult, Breakthrough Author, Beautiful Book and Readers' Choice. In 2016, the categories of Novel and Popular Fiction were combined, the categories of Middle Grade and Young Adult were combined and there was an additional award for Biography & Autobiography.