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Book of Omni

The Book of Omni is one of the books that make up the Book of Mormon. The book contains only one chapter although it covers more than two centuries of Nephite history (from ca 323 BC to 130 BC, according to footnotes).

Nephi created a book of metal plates for engraving a record. Omni is a descendant of Nephi and he receives the plates through his ancestors. In turn he passes them to his son Amaron. The plates then pass to Amaron's brother Chemish, then to Chemish's son Abinadom, and finally to Abinadom's son Amaleki (). The people of the country, called the Nephites, are in general decline. As each descendant receives the book, they generally write less and less than his predecessor, until the final author, Amaleki. As the last historian of a 400-year civilization, he writes an eloquent, lengthy dirge of his people.

The initial author was Omni, but several others were charged with keeping the record as time passed, though few made significant contributions. Verse 5 explains that "the more wicked part of the Nephites were destroyed." There is little detail about the destruction, except to say that the Lord did visit them in great judgment because of their wickedness.

Abinadom speaks of many wars between the people of Nephi and the Lamanites.

Amaleki speaks of the then current Nephite king, named Mosiah. As had happened previously, the Lord told the king (who appears to be a spiritual leader [prophet] as well as a secular leader) to lead the righteous Nephites out of the land of Nephi, their ancestral home for the previous 400 years, to a new place. At the end of their journey they discover the Mulekite people whose ancestors had also come from Jerusalem, but after it was attacked by the Babylonians. These people, however, did not bring religious or historical records with them which had two results—they had lost their religion, and they were unable to preserve their language from generation to generation. These people are known as the people of Zarahemla (the name of their then current king and also the name given to the land). Mosiah arranges for the people of Zarahemla to be taught the Nephite language, and Zarahemla is able to recount to him their oral history.

The two groups of people united themselves with Mosiah as their king, and they are all known as Nephites.

The first mention of the Jaredites is found here as well. A large stone is found with writing on it. Mosiah is able to "interpret the engravings by the gift and power of God." It tells of a man named Coriantumr and the downfall of his people. Their history is recounted more fully in the Book of Ether.

