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Book of Lismore

Book of Lismore
Also known as The Book of Mac Cárthaigh Riabhach
Date 1408–11
Place of origin Duniry
Language(s) Early Modern Irish
Scribe(s) Aonghas Ó Callanáin
Material Vellum
Size 37cm x 25.5cm
Format Folio
Condition acephalous (missing 42 folios) and lacunose
Script Irish minuscule

The Book of Lismore is a Medieval Irish manuscript. It was so named by Dennis O'Flynn, a historian in Cork, to whom it had been given in 1815.Eugene O'Curry blamed O'Flynn, in 1855, for splitting the book into parts and selling them off separately to collectors.

The Book of Lismore is an Irish vellum manuscript, compiled in early 15th century, Lismore, Ireland. Its original name was Leabhar Mhic Cárthaigh Riabhaigh (The Book of Mac Cárthaigh Riabhach). It should not be confused with the similarly named Book of the Dean of Lismore, a Scottish manuscript from the 16th century. It was commissioned by Finghin MacCarthy Reagh, 8th Prince of Carbery and his wife Lady Catherine, daughter of Thomas FitzGerald, 7th Earl of Desmond.

The manuscript was compiled from the early, and lost, Book of Monasterboice as well as other manuscripts. The Book of Lismore contains a variation of themes. Part of the book references the lives of Irish saints, notably, St Brigid, St Patrick, and St Columba. The Book of Lismore also contains Acallam na Senórach, a most important Middle Irish narrative dating to the 12th century, a text pertaining to the Fenian Cycle.

The book also contains Leabhar Ser Marco Polo, an Irish translation of The Book of Sir Marco Polo, or Il Milione.

