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Boen Tek Bio

Boen Tek Bio (English:Temple of Literature and Virtue) is the oldest Chinese temple in Tangeran, Indonesia. It is located at the corner of Jalan Bhakti and Jalan Cilame in the heart of Pasar Lama, Tangeran's old market district.

Founded in 1684, Boen Tek Bio is an intrinsic part of the history of Tangeran, in particular the history of Chinese settlement in the area. The oldest part of the present structure dates back to 1775. The temple underwent significant renovation in 1844 with its right and left wings added in 1875, and an inner courtyard in 1904.

Boen Tek Bio has a long history of association with the colonial Chinese bureaucracy ('Kapitan Cina') of Tangeran. The donors for the temple's burial grounds in 1878 include all of the sitting Chinese officers of Tangeran:

The temple foundation received its official government charter on January 6, 1912.

