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The Bodongpa or Bodong tradition, is one of the smaller traditions of Tibetan Buddhism falling outside the classification of the four main schools.

Bodong E Monastery (Wylie: bo dong e dgon pa), located in Yutok (Wylie: g.yu thog), in modern Zhaxigang (Wylie: bkra shis sgang shang), Lhatse County, was the main monastery of the Bodong tradition. It was first established in 1049 by the Kadam (Tibetan Buddhism) teacher Mudra Chenpo (Wylie: bka 'dams pa dge bshes tra mu chen po).

Bodong tradition itself goes back to Bodong Rinchen Tsemo, who received teachings from Drubthob Semo Chewa. Its most renowned figure, often regarded as its founder, was the Bodong Penchen Lénam Gyelchok (Wylie: las rnam rgyal phyogs, 1376-1451), whose seat was at this monastery. Bodong Penchen authored over one hundred and thirty-five volumes and is known as the most prolific writer in Tibetan history. His most famous work is the Compendium of Suchness (Wylie: de nyid 'dus pa) comprising one hundred and thirty-three volumes having about 500 folios (1000 pages) in each. The extensive version contains one hundred and ten volumes; the medium version, twenty volumes; the condensed version, two volumes; and the extremely condensed version, one volume and this encyclopaedic work is considered the foundation of the tradition.

Je Tsongkhapa studied at Bodong E Monastery with the Lotsawa Namkha Zangpo (Wylie: lo tsā ba nam mkha' bzang po), who taught him the Mirror of Poetry (Wylie: snyan ngag me long).

A well-known tulku of this tradition is Samding Dorje Phagmo, one of the few female incarnation lineages of Tibetan Buddhism.

Bodong E Gonpa was almost completely destroyed during the Cultural Revolution though some parts survived because it had been turned into a granary

