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Boaz Levin

Boaz Levin (born 1989, Jerusalem) is an artist, writer and curator who lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Levin is the co-founder, together with Vera Tollmann, Maximilan Schmoetzer and Hito Steyerl, of the Research Center for Proxy Politics. He is a member of the curatorial team of the 7th edition of the Biennale für aktuelle Fotografie, which will open in September 2017. Levin is the son of poet and translator Gabriel Levin and Anat Flug-Levin.

Levin studied in at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, and then at Berlin University of the Arts where he graduated as Meisterschüler from the class of Hito Steyerl in 2014. Since October 2016, Levin is a member of the "Cultures of Critique" research training group at the Leuphana University, Lüneburg.

Levin's work deals with the relationship between politics, aesthetics and technology. His work has been exhibited at the CCA (Tel-Aviv), Former West, HKW (Berlin), Recontres Internationales (Paris, Berlin), FIDMarseille (Marseille), European Media Arts Festival (Osnäbruck),Human Resources (Los Angeles) The School of Kyiv (Kyiv biennial), La Gaîté Lyrique (Paris), Auto Italia South East (London), Years (Copenhagen) and Dinca Vision quest (Chicago).

Regarding Spectatorship: revolt and the distant observer, an ongoing curatorial research project co-curated together with Marianna Liosi, was shown at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien November 2015.

All That Is Solid Melts Into Data (2015, 54 min), co-directed with Ryan S. Jeffery, premiered in FIDMarseille. All That is Solid Melts into Data "traces the architectural development of data centers, those curiously mammoth, often inaccessible glass-and-concrete “anti-monuments” that facilitate the ever-quickening communication we modern-day citizens take for granted. The film builds two simultaneous and equally compelling pictures of the USA — through its physical landscapes (frequently windowless, in-plain-sight complexes relocated to increasingly remote locales), and through the more troubling sociopolitical undercurrents that actively shape its digital economy". The film has been described as a "clinical dissection of the material effects of data (and by inference, the internet) on the future conditions of the city." The production of the film was supported by the Ostrovsky Family Fund.

