Klootschieten ("Ball shooting" in English) is a sport in the Netherlands and East Frisia, Germany. In the game, participants try to throw a ball (the kloot) as far as they can. It is most popular in the eastern regions of Twente and Achterhoek. It is known in Northern Germany and the Netherlands. The game is ultimately of Frisian origin. It is a relatively difficult throwing style that requires speed, power, and concentration. The distance of the throw is measured by meters. The sport was considered dangerous and bloody, often gaining a bad reputation and was banned a few times. Ultimately, this competitive game prevailed. Its first league was developed by Hinrick Dunkhase in 1902. The sport divides into field fighting and stand fighting. Field fighting has two teams playing against each other, while stand fighting is individual. Stefan Albarus is the current record holder, throwing the ball 106.20 meters.
The Klootschießen likely arose from an ancient Frisian weapon, which flung the Frisians on ships and opponents. The Frisian fighters are said to have been feared for their missiles. The term Kloot comes from Low German and derives from Kluten. In further development of this sport, heavy flint bald and two-pound iron balls were used. Later, the wood from the apple tree was turned into fist-sized balls, which were pierce crosswise. The resulting cavity was filled with lead.
The Dutch reformer Jacobus van Oudenhoven took in 1659 the Kloot werpen on a Sunday after the service in his sins register.
In the past, many concomitants were associated with Kloot shooting. So often competitions were held in which were played for money or other valuables. Since the sport was practiced in winter and in earlier times, the sportswear made it possible for deaths from pneumonia. A lot of alcohol was often consumed during the competition. It was even argued to get bloody at times. Accordingly, the sport was occasionally banned by the authorities, but ultimately the Klootschießen prevailed again and again.
(1857-1905), in Burhave, Butjadingen, merged the Oldenburg and East Frisian klootschieten for the Friesian klootschieten Association (FRP) on May 25, 1902. This was the first competitive league developed for the sport. Dunkhase was its chairman until his death.