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Blue-throated toucanet

Blue-throated toucanet
Blue-throated Toucanet - Panama H8O8999.jpg
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Piciformes
Family: Ramphastidae
Genus: Aulacorhynchus
Species: A. caeruleogularis
Binomial name
Aulacorhynchus caeruleogularis
Gould, 1853

See text

  • Aulacorhamphus caeruleogularis
  • Aulacorhynchus prasinus caeruleogularis

See text

The blue-throated toucanet (Aulacorhynchus caeruleogularis) is a near-passerine bird living in the mountain forests of Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. While considered a species based primarily on morphology, some authorities continue to consider it a subspecies of the emerald toucanet.

The name blue-throated toucanet is also used as an alternate name for the Blue-banded toucanet. Although not accepted by some authorities, the blue-throated toucanet was split from the emerald toucanet to form a separate species. The Violet-throated toucanet was formerly considered as a separate species (A. cognatus) until lumped as a subspecies of the blue-throated toucanet in 2016. A potential problem relates to the distribution limit between A. c. cognatus and A. c. caeruleogularis in Panama. Although the reason for this treatment is unclear, the population in central Panama has been placed in A. c. caeruleogularis, which limits A. c. cognatus to extreme eastern Panama and adjacent Colombia. However, according to George Angehr, author of The Birds of Panama, it is possible that toucanets from central Panama actually are closer to A. c. cognatus.

Two subspecies are recognized:

As in all toucans, the blue-throated toucanet has a large bill. The bill is black with yellow to the upper mandible, and a white band at the base, but, uniquely among the emerald toucanet group, with a rufous patch near the base of the upper mandible. Its breast and the rest of its body is mostly light and dark shades of green, except for the throat, which is blue, and the tail-tip and crissum (the undertail coverts surrounding the cloaca), which are rufous. Both sexes look very alike, but females generally have a smaller bill and overall are smaller in appearance, these bird are born blind and naked.

Blue-throated toucanets are altricial. They do not open their eyes until they are around 25 days old, and they are completely covered in feathers by around 35 days. Most immature blue-throated toucanets do not leave their nest until they have reached around 45 days old. When they leave their nest, their bills are alike to their parents in colour and shape, but are not full-grown yet.

