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Blitta is a prefecture and town located in the Centrale Region of Togo. Blitta has an area of 2,973 miles and there is roughly 200 or more villages in the area.

Blitta is created by the settlement of several ethnic groups in the colonial period. This settlement follows three phases and was retaken by French colonizers between 1924 and 1956. The migratory movement takes its paroxysm in the year 1925 and 1928, with the construction of the railway system. The railroad has been assembled in phases by beginning in the village Agbonou (Atakpamé) and ending in Blitta, which is 112 miles long. The area has developed from once only being known as Blitta-Gare to expanding into one of the biggest areas in the Central Region. With the incorporation of the four town villages, which consist of Blitta-village, Waragni, Doufouli, and Yaloumbè. Blitta is also crossed by the National Road, which has a length of about 260 miles from Lomé to Blitta. However, this road is not in the best condition. It has many potholes and is very narrow. It is the only road that goes from the main port in Lomé to the northern part of the region, so there are all types of traffic that travel on it ranging from 18-wheelers, motto’s, taxis cars, bicycles, and people traveling on foot. Safety is a priority while traveling on this road.

Blitta has grown due to the successful settlement. Initially, Blitta-Gare and Blitta-carrefour together formed the commune. This area went from about 2,611 inhabitants in the first census in 1960 to 6,636 inhabitants for the second in 1981 and 26,095 inhabitants in 2011. The new communal perimeter, includes three other villages: Doufouli, Waragni, Yaloumbe. These territories have helped increase the population as of today to 30,065 inhabitants.

There are many different ethnic groups in Blitta. The majority of ethnic groups that reside here are Kabye, Agnanga, Losso, Tem, Tchamba, Logba, Bassar, Ewe, Djerma, Moba, Peulh, and Adja.

Concerning the religion, the majority of the population is Christian and Muslim. However, some citizens still practice traditional African religion. Catholicism is one of the faiths practiced by Christians here. In Blitta, there are two cathedrals, one in Blitta-Gare and the other in Blitta-Carrefour. Protestantism is another very popular faith group in Blitta. Another faith that is practiced here is Jehovah Witness. It is one of the smaller communities here in Blitta, but they do exist. Islam is very prominent in Blitta among Kotokoli people.

Many festivals are performed in Blitta. The names of these celebrations are Kamou, Akpema, Kondona, Sintoudjandjagou, Kpatchama, and Boyila. Kamou is the traditional dance of the Kaybè people. This takes place during the period of harvest, which begins in December. Akpéma and Kondona are the festivals that are held for the youth. This ceremony is an initiation that every adolescent goes through to initiate them into adulthood. Sintoudjandjagou and Kpatchama rituals focus on being joyful of life and the blessing they have received throughout the year. Boyila has a literal meaning, which is to do something for tomorrow. This commemoration is a feast of yams. It takes place on the 18th of August every year. This ceremony announces the maturity of the yams. On that day, every native returns home to begin the celebration early the next morning. The drums are what announce that the feast has begun; it is called Atumpé drum call. The priest then pours Tchoukoutou, the local beer of Togo, and cooked yam with palm oil over the Gods. After eating Foufou, pounded yam the people go the main square to dance. These performances are meant to remind the community of their origin and their cultural values. They represent the true value of the indigenous community.

