In general relativity, a black brane is a solution of the equations that generalizes a black hole solution but it is also extended—and translationally symmetric—in p additional spatial dimensions. That type of solution would be called a black p-brane.
In string theory, the term black brane describes a group of D1-branes that are surrounded by a horizon. With the notion of a horizion in mind as well as identifying points as zero-branes, a generalization of a black hole is a black p-brane. However, many physicists tend to define a black brane separate from a black hole, making the distinction that the singularity of a black brane is not a point like a black hole, but instead a higher dimensional object.
A BPS black brane is similar to a BPS black hole. They both have electric charges. Some BPS black branes have magnetic charges.
The metric for a black p-brane in a n-dimensional space-time is: