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A bit field is a data structure used in computer programming. It consists of a number of adjacent computer memory locations which have been allocated to hold a sequence of bits, stored so that any single bit or group of bits within the set can be addressed. A bit field is most commonly used to represent integral types of known, fixed bit-width.

The meaning of the individual bits within the field is determined by the programmer; for example, the first bit in a bit field (located at the field's base address) is sometimes used to determine the state of a particular attribute associated with the bit field.

Within microprocessors and other logic devices, collections of bit fields called "flags" are commonly used to control or to indicate the intermediate state or outcome of particular operations. Microprocessors typically have a status register that is composed of such flags, used to indicate various post-operation conditions, for example an arithmetic overflow. The flags can be read and used to decide subsequent operations, such as in processing conditional jump instructions. For example, a je (Jump if Equal) instruction in the x86 assembly language will result in a jump if the Z (zero) flag was set by some previous operation.

A bit field is distinguished from a bit array in that the latter is used to store a large set of bits indexed by integers and is often wider than any integral type supported by the language. Bit fields, on the other hand, typically fit within a machine word, and the denotation of bits is independent of their numerical index.

Bit fields can be used to reduce memory consumption when a program requires a number of integer variables which always will have low values. For example, in many systems storing an integer value requires two bytes (16-bits) of memory; sometimes the values to be stored actually need only one or two bits. Having a number of these tiny variables share a bit field allows efficient packaging of data in the memory.

In C and C++, native implementation-defined bit fields can be created using unsigned int, signed int, or (in C99:) _Bool. In this case, the programmer can declare a structure for a bit field which labels and determines the width of several subfields. Adjacently declared bit fields of the same type can then be packed by the compiler into a reduced number of words, compared with the memory used if each 'field' were to be declared separately.

