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Bioenergetic analysis

Bioenergetic analysis is a form of body psychotherapy (body-oriented Reichian psychotherapy), based upon the work of Wilhelm Reich. It can also be termed as a very specific kind of body psychotherapy which is based upon the continuity between body and mind. This form of body psychotherapy adds a number of innovations to the classic methods, these innovations include emphasis on the importance of grounding (i.e. being in strong contact with the ground through feet and legs) and on psychoanalytic theories such as transference, countertransference, dreams, slips of the tongue and Oedipal issues. It also places even greater emphasis on sexual fulfilment than Reichian psychotherapy. It was developed by Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos, both patients and students of Reich. The idea behind current bioenergetic practice is that blocks to emotional expression and wellness are revealed and expressed in the body as chronic muscle tensions which are often subconscious. The blocks are treated by combining bioenergetically designed physical exercises, affective expressions and palpation of the muscular tensions.

The therapist who practises bioenergetic analysis, treats both the body and the mind. He/She tries to identify the areas where the therapy can be helpful by specific holding patterns of expression, breathing and postures. The therapist uses different foundations of body-work, which include stress positions, self-expressive practices and movement. This induces a better sense of self. The therapy is conducted in a nurturing and safe environment which facilitates the release of emotions. During identifying the problems of mind the therapist can provoke responses and identify negative thought patterns and emotions. The therapist also examines how these psychological changes are affecting the physical body and provide relaxation techniques.

