Biclustering, block clustering ,co-clustering, or two-mode clustering is a data mining technique which allows simultaneous clustering of the rows and columns of a matrix. The term was first introduced by Mirkin, although the technique was originally introduced much earlier (i.e., by J.A. Hartigan).
Given a set of rows in columns (i.e., an matrix), the biclustering algorithm generates biclusters – a subset of rows which exhibit similar behavior across a subset of columns, or vice versa.
Biclustering was originally introduced by J. A. Hartigan in 1972. The term biclustering was later used by Mirkin. This algorithm was not generalized until 2000 when Y. Cheng and G. M. Church proposed a biclustering algorithm based on variance and applied it to biological gene expression data. Their paper is still the most important literature in the gene expression biclustering field.