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Bibliotheca fratrum Polonorum

The Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum quos Unitarios vocant or Library of the Polish Brethren called Unitarians 1668 (not 1656 as incorrectly listed in some catalogues) is a collection of writings of the Polish Brethren published by Frans Kuyper, Daniel Bakkamude, and Benedykt's father Andrzej Wiszowaty Sr. (d.1678) in Amsterdam, with Pieter van der Meersche in Leiden.

Many of these works had earlier been printed by Rodecki and Sternacki at the printery of the Racovian Academy 1602-1638.

Volumes 1-8 1665,1668, 1692

The Eton College library had a collection of the original Racovian books printed by Sternacki about 1630, possibly donated by John Hales, but these had disappeared by 1674. John Locke possessed a full set of Vol.I-XVIII and was personally involved in commissioning Vol.IX. Pierre Bayle appears to have had access to a full set.

Outside the series of the Bibliotheca fratrum Polonorum, various other Racovian and Socinian texts were printed or reprinted in Amsterdam by the same group of exiles, printers and booksellers. The Racovian Catechism and Racovian New Testament which had been published in the Racovian Academy itself, were also reprinted in Amsterdam.

Following completion of the above series Benedykt Wiszowaty was also involved in the other major, but much shorter, Socinian Bibliotheca: The Bibliotheca antitrinitariorum, or Antitrinitarian Library, first published in 1684. This is a posthumous work of Christopher Sandius an exiled Prussian Arian in Amsterdam, in which he chronologically lists all the Arian and Socinian or Antitrinitarian authors from the Reformation to 1684, with a brief account of their lives, and a catalogue of their works. Rather than being a Library, as Kuyper's publications, it is more a Bibliography.

