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In Forgotten Realms, the campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Bhaalspawn is a name given to all children of the fictitious Bhaal, Lord of Murder, who foresaw his own death during the Time of Troubles and fathered children who could one day be sacrificed for his return.

During the storyline of the Baldur's Gate series of computer games the player (who is him or herself a Bhaalspawn) will encounter a number of Bhaalspawn, some as friends and some as enemies.

Issue number #288 of Dragon Magazine contains an article detailing Bhaalspawn for 3rd Edition Dungeons and Dragons, enabling a Gamesmaster to effectively recreate the Baldur's Gate series of games for their own campaign, or to play a "post-games" campaign where not all of the Bhaalspawn were slain and where they retained the fragment of Bhaal's essence.

The Bhaalspawn came from a wide variety of races and backgrounds, from the humble to the powerful. Here are some of the known Bhaalspawn:

A male half-dragon (blue). He had one son, the half-dragon Draconis. He joined the alliance of Bhaalspawn known as the Five, and raised an army primarily consisting of non-humans.

A male human monk, and a member of the Five. The leader of a monastic order based in the town of Amkethran. Balthazar wanted to kill all of the other Bhaalspawn before committing ritual suicide, so that the evil essence of Bhaal would be "locked away" forever. He was eventually slain by Abdel Adrian.

The Bhaalspawn raised by the sage, Gorion, at the great library of Candlekeep.

Abdel Adrian is the protagonist of the novelization of the Baldur's Gate series. As such, he corresponds to the player character Bhaalspawn in the games.

Due to the lack of any official name, the protagonist in the games as opposed to the novels is often referred to as "Charname" by the Baldur's Gate gaming community in reference to the designation given to this character in the game's code, which when the game is played is replaced by the name chosen by the player.

